Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Experiencing Violence in the Workplace Essay

Diagnosis of â€Å"Andrea C.: Experiencing Violence in the Workplace† Being able to form a diagnosis properly for a client is a process that is wide-ranging and broad. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013) supports recommendations and standards for identifying a diagnosis for a client. The procedure of diagnosing is more than skimming for symptoms in the DSM; one must assess, interview and identify issues, as well as refer to the DSM for a diagnosis. Case Study: Andrea C Andrea C. a company manager, is forty-nine and divorced. The location of the building where she was employed was an isolated part of the town. Her job duties included opening and preparing the office each day. The location of the office and being alone in the morning give Andrea a sense of fear and uneasiness. Andrea shared her concerns about her safety with her superiors at work. Disappointingly, before the issue was addressed Andrea was brutally assaulted while opening the office one morning. Andrea was beaten unconscious, nose broken, cuts to the face and neck, stabbed multiple times, sexually assault was attempted (Butcher et al., 2013). As a result of the attack, Andrea endured â€Å"a fractured skull, fractured nose, multiple stab wounds on her body, facial injuries, dizziness, impaired balance, wrist pain, residual cognitive symptoms from being unconscious, poor memory, intense anxiety, and symptoms of posttraumatic stress† (Butcher et al., 2013, p. 117). Based on the case study, her diagnosis is as follows: 309.81 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, With Dissociative Symptoms (F43.10) 300.82 Somatic Symptom Disorder V62.89 Victim of Crime (Z65.4) Rationale Hansell and Damour (2008) explain stress disorder trauma as an emotionally overcoming experience where either real or apparent likelihood of loss of  life or grave injury to self or a significant other. The DSM (APA, 2013) explains that a client who experiences PTSD must face one or more of the following symptoms: direct experience with a traumatic event, witness an event, learn of a traumatic event related to a close friend or family, and extreme or repeated exposure to traumatic events. Andreas experience was directly related to her own personal involvement with a traumatic event. Andrea experiences intrusion symptoms; these symptoms arrive suddenly and occur when memories of the previous traumatic event plague your life (APA, 2013). Andrea expresses that she has a solid fear of returning to work (Butcher et al. 2013). Andrea’s opposition to return to work can be considered a â€Å"persistent avoidance of stimuli† (APA, 2013, p. 271). Andrea is feeling hopeless, guilty and withdrawn (Butcher et al. 2013) showing that Andrea is having â€Å"negative alterations in cognitions† (APA, 2013, p. 271). Andrea is also exhibiting hypersensitivity towards undertakings and activities stating that they are debilitating. Andrea also speaks of memory problems. Somatoform are physical symptoms triggered through psychological factors (Hansell & Damour, 2008). Consider â€Å"somatic presentations can be viewed as expressions of personal suffering inserted in a cultural and social context† (APA, 2013, p. 310). Andrea expresses somatic symptom disorder through multiple symptoms. Andrea’s physical grievances are excessive, suggesting her need for attention. She states that she is in a tremendous amount of pain and easily agitated and hostile if others do not take her seriously (Butcher et al., 2013). It seems that Andreas lasting psychological problems are being revealed as physical symptoms. Andrea is experiencing two of the symptoms, excessive feelings and thoughts (APA, 2013) that are related to somatic disorder. Other factors and data relevant to the assessment, treatment, and diagnosis of Andrea is the fact that she was a victim of a crime. Andrea may have image issues related to the scars associated with the attack she received, causing her shame, embarrassment or uneasiness. Andrea’s incapability to return to work and her related symptoms are negatively affecting her life. These issues are results of being the victim of a crime. Conclusion Providing Andrea with a diagnosis is no simple task. Andrea exhibits several different symptoms, hence, providing comorbidity. The diagnosis I offer is  accurate from the data supported in Andrea’s case and from the assessment. With data gathered from the DSM, the MMPI, Andrea’s case study, I conclude that the diagnosis of PTSD, Somatic Symptom Disorder and Victim of a crime are applicable to Andrea. References American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).Arlington, VA: Author. Butcher, J. N., Hooley, J. M., & Mineka, S. (2013). Abnormal psychology (16th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. Hansell, J. & Damour, L. (2008). Abnormal psychology (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Program Evaluation as a Key Tool in Health and Human Services

Program Evaluation as a Key Tool in Health and Human Services Maria Delos Angeles Mora HCA460 Research Methods in Health and Human Services Professor TyKeysha Boone April 22, 2013 Program Evaluation as a Key Tool in Health and Human Services In this competitive health care environment, consumers want and expect better health care services and hospital systems are concerned about maintaining their overall image. There is also attention to ways in which patient satisfaction measurement can be integrated into an overall measure of clinical quality. As lots of information is available to be used in a hypothetical evaluation.The American Red Cross is my selection due to that I worked with them for several years as a voluntary and telephonic representative to answer incoming calls that needed to be checked for different parts of the United States and commonwealth territories. The fundamental Principles of the Global Red Cross Network are based on humanity- the Red Cross, born of a desire t o bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors-in its international and national capacity-to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found.Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding, friendship, and cooperation lasting peace amongst all peoples, impartiality-it makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavors to relieve the suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority to the most urgent cases of distress, neutrality- In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Red Cross may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or deological nature, independence-since the Red Cross is considered is independent. The national societies, while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their govern ments and subject to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with Red Cross principles, voluntary service-is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for gain, unity-is there is a Red Cross society in any one country no one can be turned out as it may be open to all.It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory, and universality-as the Red Cross is a worldwide institution in which all societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other. In the continuing effort to improve human service programs, funders, policymakers, and service providers are increasingly recognizing the importance of rigorous program evaluations. They want to know what the programs accomplish, what they cost, and how they should be operated to achieve maximum cost-effectiveness.They want to know which programs work for which groups, and t hey want conclusions based on evidence, rather than testimonials and impassioned pleas. This paper lays out, for the non-technician, the basic principles of program evaluation design. It signals common pitfalls, identifies constraints that need to be considered, and presents ideas for solving potential problems. These principles are general and can be applied to a wide range of human service programs.We illustrate these principles here with examples from programs for vulnerable children and youth. Evaluation of these programs is particularly challenging because they address a wide diversity of problems and possible solutions, often include multiple agencies and clients, and change over time to meet shifting service needs. It is very important to follow the steps in selecting the Appropriate Evaluation Design. The first step in the process of selecting an evaluation design is to clarify the questions that need to be answered.The next step is to develop a logic model that lays out the expected causal linkages between the program (and program components) and the program goals. Without tracing these anticipated links it is impossible to interpret the evaluation evidence that is collected. The third step is to review the program to assess its readiness for evaluation. These three steps can be done at the same time or in overlapping stages. Clarifying the Evaluation Questions is a design of any evaluation begins by defining the audience for the evaluation findings, what they need to know, and when.The questions used are determine which of the following four major types of evaluation should be chosen such as: The Impact evaluations focus on questions of causality. Did the program have its intended effects? If so, who was helped and what activities or characteristics of the program created the impact? Did the program have any unintended consequences, positive or negative? How performance monitoring does provides information on key aspects of how a system or program is operating and the extent to which specified program objectives are being attained (e. g. numbers of youth served compared to target goals, reductions in school dropouts compared to target goals). Results are used by service providers, funders, and policymakers to assess the program's performance and accomplishments. Process evaluations answer questions about how the program operates and document the procedures and activities undertaken in service delivery. Such evaluations help identify problems faced in delivering services and strategies for overcoming these problems. They are useful to practitioners and service providers in replicating or adapting program strategies.Cost evaluations address how much the program or program components cost, preferably in relation to alternative uses of the same resources and to the benefits being produced by the program. In the current fiscal environment, programs must expect to defend their costs against alternative uses. As the comprehensive eval uation will include all these activities. Sometimes, however, the questions raised, the target audience for findings, or the available resources limit the evaluation focus to one or two of these activities.Whether to provide preliminary evaluations to staff for use in improving program operations and developing additional services is an issue that needs to be faced. Preliminary results can be effectively used to identify operational problems and develop the capacity of program staff to conduct their own ongoing evaluation and monitoring activities (Connell, J. P. , Kubisch, A. C. , Schorr, L. B. , and Weiss, C. H. (1995). But this use of evaluation findings, called formative evaluations, presents a challenge to evaluators who are faced with the much more ifficult task of estimating the impact of an evolving intervention. When the program itself is continuing to change, measuring impact requires ongoing measurement of the types and level of service provided. The danger in formative e valuations is that the line between program operations and assessment will be blurred. The extra effort and resources required for impact analysis in formative evaluations has to be measured against the potential gains to the program from ongoing improvements and the greater usefulness of the final evaluation findings.Performance monitoring involves identification and collection of specific data on program outputs, outcomes, and accomplishments. Although they may measure subjective factors such as client satisfaction, the data are numeric, consisting of frequency counts, statistical averages, ratios, or percentages. Output measures reflect internal activities: the amount of work done within the program or organization. Outcome measures (immediate and longer term) reflect progress towards program goals. Often the same measurements (e. g. number/percent of youth who stopped or reduced substance abuse) may be used for performance monitoring and impact evaluation. However, unlike impact evaluation, performance monitoring does not make any rigorous effort to determine whether these were caused by program efforts or by other external events. The way that we are looking at Design Variations is when programs are operating in a number of communities, the sites are likely to vary in mission, structure, the nature and extent of project implementation, primary clients/targets, and timeliness.They may offer somewhat different sets of services, or have identified somewhat different goals. In such situations, it is advisable to construct a â€Å"core† set of performance measures to be used by all, and to supplement these with â€Å"local† performance indicators that reflect differences. For example, some youth programs will collect detailed data on youth school performance, including grades, attendance, and disciplinary actions, while others will simply have data on promotion to the next grade or whether the youth is still enrolled or has dropped out.A multi-sc hool performance monitoring system might require data on promotion and enrollment for all schools, and specify more detailed or specialized indicators on attendance or disciplinary actions for one or a subset of schools to use in their own performance monitoring. Another look is at the Considerations/Limitations when selecting performance indicators, evaluators and service providers need it is important to consider: The relevance of potential measures to the mission/objective of the local program or national initiative. The comprehensiveness of the set of measures. The program's control over the factor being measured.The validity of the measure and the reliability and accuracy of the measure, feasibility of collecting the data. How much effort and money is required to generate each measure? Practical Issues. The set of performance indicators should be simple, limited to a few key indicators of priority outcomes. Too many indicators burden the data collection and analysis and make it less likely that managers will understand and use reported information. Regular measurement, ideally quarterly, is important so that the system provides the information in time to make shifts in program operations and to capture changes over time.However, pressures for timely reporting should not be allowed to sacrifice data quality. For the performance monitoring to take place in a reliable and timely way, the evaluation should include adequate support and plans for training and technical assistance for data collection. Routine quality control procedures should be established to check on data entry accuracy and missing information. At the point of analysis, procedures for verifying trends should be in place, particularly if the results are unexpected. The costs of performance monitoring are modest relative to impact evaluations, but still vary widely depending on the data used.Most performance indicator data come from records maintained by service providers. The added expense invo lves regularly collecting and analyzing these records, as well as preparing and disseminating reports to those concerned. This is typically a part-time work assignment for a supervisor within the agency. The expense will be greater if client satisfaction surveys are used to measure outcomes. An outside survey organization may be required for a large-scale survey of past clients; alternatively, a self-administered exit questionnaire can be given to clients at the end of services.In either case, the assistance of professional researchers is needed in preparing data sets, analyses, and reports. Process Analysis key element in process analysis is a systematic, focused plan for collecting data to: (1) determine whatever the program model is being implemented as specified and, if not, how operations differ from those initially planned; (2) identify unintended consequences and unanticipated outcomes; and (3) understand the program from the perspectives of staff, participants, and the commu nity.The design variation is the systemic procedure used to collect data for process evaluation often include case studies, focus groups, and ethnography. As strong pressures demonstrates program impacts dictates making evaluation activities a required and intrinsic part of program activities from the start. At the very least, evaluation activities should include performance monitoring.The collection and analysis of data on program progress and process builds the capacity for self-evaluation and contributes to good program management and efforts to obtain support for program continuation-for example, when the funding is serving as â€Å"seed† money for a program that is intended, if successful, to continue under local sponsorship. Performance monitoring can be extended to non-experimental evaluation with additional analysis of program records and/or client surveys. These evaluation activities may be conducted either by program staff with research training or by an independent evaluator.In either case, training and technical assistance to support program evaluation efforts will be needed to maintain data quality and assist in appropriate analysis and use of the findings. There are several strong arguments for evaluation designs that go further in documenting program impact. Only experimental or quasi-experimental designs provide convincing evidence that program funds are well invested, and that the program is making a real difference to the well-being of the population served. These evaluations need to be conducted by experienced researchers and supported by adequate budgets.A good strategy may be implementing small-scale programs to test alternative models of service delivery in settings that will allow a stronger impact evaluation design than is possible in a large scale, national program. Often program evaluation should proceed in stages. The first year of program operations can be devoted to process studies and performance monitoring, the information from which can serve as a basis for more extensive evaluation efforts once operations are running smoothly. Finally, planning to obtain support for the evaluation at every level-community, program staff, agency leadership and funder-should be extensive.Each of these has a stake in the results. Each should have a voice in planning. And each should perceive clear benefits from the results. Only in this way will the results be acknowledged as valid and actually used for program improvement. Reference Connell, J. P. , Kubisch, A. C. , Schorr, L. B. , and Weiss, C. H. (1995) New Approaches to Evaluating Community Initiatives: Concepts, Methods, and Contexts. Washington, DC: The Aspen Institute. Ellickson, P. L. , Bell, R. M. , and McGuigan, K. (1993) â€Å"Preventing Adolescent Drug Use: Long- Term Results of a Junior High School Program. American Journal of Public Health 83(6): 856-861. Engle, R-F and Granger, CW. J. (1987) â€Å"Cointegration and Error Correction: Representation, Es timation and Testing. † Retrieved from: Econometrica 55: 25 1-276. Evaluation Strategies for Human Service Programs. Retrieved from http://www. ojp. usdoj. gov/BJA/evaluation/guide/documents/evaluation_strategies. html#p 6. Heckman, J. J. (1979) â€Å"Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error. † Econometrica 47:153-162. IRB Forum. Retrieved from www. irbforum. rg. Joreskog, K. G. (1977) â€Å"Structural Equation Models in the Social Sciences. † In P. R. Krishnaiah (ed. ), Applications of Statistics, 265-287. Amsterdam: North-Holland; Bryk, A. S. and Raudenbush, S. W. (1992) Hierarchical Linear Models: Applications and Meta- Analysis Techniques. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Kalbfleish, J. D. , and Prentice, K. L. (1980) the Statistical Analysis of Failure Time Data. New York: Wiley. Kumpfer, K. L, Shur, G. H. , Ross, J. H. , Bunnell, K. K. , Librett, J. J. and Milward, A. R. 1993) Measurements in Prevention: A Manual on Selecting and Using Instruments to Evaluate P revention Programs. Retrieved from: Public Health Service, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, (SMA) 93-2041. Monette, Duane R. , Thomas J. Sullivan, Cornell R. DeJong. Applied Social Research: A Tool for the Human Services, 8th Edition. Wadsworth, 2014-03-11. . MREL Appendix A. Retrieved from: http://www. ecs. org/html/educationIssues/Research/primer/appendixA. asp. Program Evaluation 101: A Workshop. Retrieved from: http://aetcnec. ucsf. edu/evaluation/pacific_evaluation%5B1%5D. ppt.

Monday, July 29, 2019

To What Extent the Chinese Stock Markets are Efficient Research Paper

To What Extent the Chinese Stock Markets are Efficient - Research Paper Example From this discussion it is clear that high population has also ensured supply of skilled labor is plenty within the Chinese economy. Chinese people are well known for their fastness and commitment in doingactivities. Itwas firstly witness in China wherethecurfewswereconducted on peopleworkinglate in thenight, before theindustrieswastransformed to a 24hour economy. Due to their hard work and innovation, they have emerged to be amongst thewellperformingeconomies in theworld. Chinese people have grown to the extent of exporting their civilengineeringskills to variouscountries within and outside the Asian continent. They offer cheap services that are of highquality as compared to otherdevelopedcountries. China has a highfavoured in terms of mineralsandresources, whichincludethingssuch as crudeoils, iron, and copper. Themainsource of revenues in Chinese economy is Exports. According to the paper Chinese peopleproducemore than whatthey domestically consume. Their exports come from domestic surplus. Banks have come in within China economy to help in theflow of income. Banks have financed viable business ideas amongst the Chinese entrepreneurs in order to exploittheavailableresourcesfor their benefits, as well as theworld as a whole. Investment has flourishedfollowingthereadilyavailablecapital from banks that is offered to lowerrates. Thegovernment of China has contributed by its initiativescreatingenablingenvironmentforinnovationandbusiness. Chinese government has increased its publicrelations with othercountries in an effort to createmarkets to its citizen. Thegovernment has alsodevelopedfinancinginitiatives of offeringcapital to potential investors at relativelyverylowcost of processing andrepayment. There are two majorstockmarkets in china’s economy. Thesemarketsincludethe shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen stockexchanges.  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

WK4_Training Need Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

WK4_Training Need Paper - Essay Example In order to attain increased competitiveness and larger customer base many organization has formulated and implemented various strategies and policies. In this course, many organizations are involved in enhancing the skills and capabilities of employees as a tool for enhancing the performance of the organization. Such initiatives of the organizations have facilitated a need for effective training and development activities. Accordingly, training and development is the process of making the employees familiar with the various changes in the work procedure for ensuring increased competency towards performing the organizational tasks efficiently and effectively. The concept of training plays a vital role in an organization life cycle as it not only helps them to maintain lead but also helps them in innovating new products that may contribute to the organization goal (Armstrong, 2012). The primary purpose of this paper is to identify training need within the selected organization i.e. Ap ple Incorporation and explore the role of Human Resource (HR) in analysis, design, development implementation and evaluation of a training program to meet the identified training need. Training Need Assessment Apple Inc. is considered to be one of the leading innovative companies across the world. The company is widely known for its distinctive and unique products and services offered to its customers spread worldwide. The rapid development in science and technology has facilitated the company as one of the most advanced and most admired companies across the globe. Nonetheless, the company has been encountered with lots of challenges due to the emergence of new and upcoming competitors in the market. It has been often argued that employees are the most important assets of any organization. Furthermore, employees who are not provided with efficient training and development programs often finds difficulties in performing their tasks efficiently and competently. Additionally, the conti nuous advancement in technology and increasing competition has widely generated the need for skilled employees to respond the market demands effectively. In this context, Apple Inc. to sustain its business profitably in current and future business environment, it is essential for the corporation to design and implement effective training and development programs. At the same time, effective training and development activities is necessary for attracting new talents and retaining employees within the organization. Moreover, training and development activities are crucially important for the organization to seek constant innovation and transformation of the business according to the changing requirement of the market. Nonetheless, it can be argued that training and development is essential for the organization at all the levels of the management. The effective training and development programs facilitate in the creation of effective leaders who will be responsible for framing strategi es that would facilitate the organization with increased benefit in the form of increased profitability and market share. Therefore, it can be stated proper training needs are required in the organization to enhance the capability of its employees as well as the organizational performance (Apple Inc., 2013). Role of HR in the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Training Program to Meet the Requirement in the Production Process of the Company HR managers are considered as a vital part of any organization as they are the only bridge that helps in maintaining a proper relation between the employees and the top level management. Correspondingly, HR managers are also widely responsible for

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data (CASE) module 5 Essay

Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data (CASE) module 5 - Essay Example For instance, employers and organizations are putting more limitation on the accessibility of their information. In the long run, these organizations are suffering time management issues. In this cases, organizations have limited the access of information to physicians and nurses likewise. This limitation requires organizations to only authorize a few entities to information databases. For the physicians and nurses, flow of information changes from prompt and detailed to delayed and censored. The article defines the cost of unintended consequences from policies and other strategies (Jarrell et al. 2012). An interdisciplinary health care delivery can be defined through the consideration of the term interdisciplinary meaning integration of multiple disciplines or fields of expertise. Within the health care sector interdisciplinary health care delivery means the delivery of services by collaboration of multiple health care professionals. Normally health care professionals use interdisciplinary health care delivery when they are faced by multi-step medical intervention. This medical intervention plan may involve diagnosis by a doctor, tests by a lab technician, prescriptions by a physician, and administration of care by nurses. In this case, the flow of information starts from the first professional to see the patient down to the one offering care. The advantages of using interdisciplinary health care delivery include professional intervention by experts on specific areas of the intervention. This ensures accuracy and best practice ensuring that all parties provide timely and relevant i ntervention input coinciding with their qualifications (Hinegardner, 2003). The law of unintended consequences is an idiomatic warming that informs administrative bodies that their strategies and policies have the potential of leading to undesired or unintended results. With application to the health care sector, the law of unintended

Neurotheology in Review (Brain & Heart) part 2 Essay

Neurotheology in Review (Brain & Heart) part 2 - Essay Example An attempt to understand these mechanisms, ultimately calls for basic understanding of the mechanisms about how different systems work in our body. Physiology is the study of vital processes of living organisms, particularly at the level of organs and organ systems and at the level of the organism as a whole. Physiological processes, in turn, are dependent on anatomical and biochemical factors and constitute the physical basis of behavior (Abram et al., 2007). But with the existing knowledge, it is difficult to explain, as Eiser (2005) has pointed out how out of the structure and function or anatomy and physiology, a novel psychological entity representing the individual arise (Eiser, 2005). Questions keep coming on this hitherto unexplored area of the science. What people think, what they say, what they do, what they feel, and why they think, say, act, and feel in these ways are plainly of the greatest interest to all of us. The interface between psychology, religion, and spirituality has been of great interest to scholars for a century (Tartaro, Luecken, and Gunn, 2005). Taking into account that religious consciousness arises out of functional aspects of brain, it is not irrational to assume that the origin of such consciousness is from an emotion, and there must be a harmonious mechanism occurring in our body that leads to such emotions, hence physiologic effect out of some anatomic structures (Saver and Rabin, 1997). Are the sayings, "my heartfelt love", "from the core of my heart" and so on and so forth, just the sayings, or there exists some relationship in reality between the mind and the heart, or emotion and physiologic function. The anatomically determined theory of emotion or consciousness indicates emotion is like other somesth etic or special senses (McEachrane, 2009) similar to pain, temperature, and vision, emotional experience was accorded a thalamic nucleus and thalamocortical cortical relay (Compton, 2003). As

Friday, July 26, 2019

Answer those 40 questions only and provide me with the full and Term Paper

Answer those 40 questions only and provide me with the full and explained answer in international business - Term Paper Example Q15. The TRIPS was brought up as an endeavor to restrict the gaps in the way these rights are protected everywhere, and to bring them under reasonable worldwide guidelines. It creates least levels of security that every legislature needs to provide for the intellectual property of individual (Peng, 2000). It strikes a harmony between the long haul advantages and conceivable transient expenses to society. Q18. In a collective society, there is a principle that contains society, the individuals, the state, and so forth - has rights, needs, or real power above and separated from the people who include it. Individuals hear this thought regularly championed in such recognizable maxims. Q19. The term "individualism" has an extraordinary mixture of implications in social and political philosophy. First, ontological individualism. Second, methodological individualism. Third, ethical or political individualism. Ontological individualism is the teaching that social reality comprises, at last, just of persons who pick and act. Groups, for example, a social class, state, or a gathering, cannot work so they are not considered to have a reality autonomous of the activities of persons. Methodological individualists hold that the principal genuinely exploratory recommendations in social science are those that can be decreased to the activities, auras, and choices of people. Q21. Absolute advantage refers to the capacity of a nation, individual, company or area to manufacture goods and deliver services at a lower expense. Materials with absolute advantages can produce an item or government utilizing a littler number of inputs and using a more effective methodology than another gathering offering the same item or

Thursday, July 25, 2019

MENTAL HEALTH Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MENTAL HEALTH - Research Paper Example However, the elder patients are believed to view and imagine nursing staff as their own daughters. In developed nations relationships among children and parents have significantly deteriorated and therefore, elders are becoming lonely and depressed (Werner, 1993). Nevertheless, all patients from different age groups are famous for practically loving their medical staff. But, in case of children, the job of nurses gets tough and challenging because psychologically, one has to become a child in order to play with a junior and because of this reason, it is recommended in multiple studies that nurses with a special kind of personality should be assigned to the children ward. Most of the nurses are notorious for having rude and rough behaviors because they are living under such level of emotional and psychological stress that they become unstable to say the least. But, again when it comes to treating children nurses are supposed to transform healing into a game so that the childrenâ€℠¢s fear can be circumvented (Swanson & Wojnar, 2004). The hospitals are providing a colorful environment for children where there are paintings of famous cartoon characters on the walls and the patients have the facility to play and engage in positive activities such as playing music and listening and watching television. The children are fighters because their bodies have been known to perform at peak proficiencies and therefore, they are not mentally aware and neither they are willing to accept their illnesses (Altimier, 2004). Both of the previously mentioned factors have the power to expedite healing process. The challenge lies in providing a proper reinforcing environment where the belief of a child can become a reality (Pesek, Helton, & Nair, 2006). Still, the nurses must be informed that elders and children heal in two very different ways. The former ones heal with the help of a listener while the latter group wants a companion, a friend, and a player. The nurses then, must a llow the elders to share their experiences and should also provide a silent ear. The hospitals of the 21st century are transforming into community centers because they are taking up the roles of facilities that are helping in bridging the gaps between elders and children (Langsley & Barter, 1983). Quite a significant number of facilities are providing elders with an opportunity to share their life’s experiences with the next generation. The needs of both groups are fulfilled in this fashion because the elders have a profound need to share their knowledge whereas the children’s need to listen bedtime stories from their grandparents is satisfied as well (Doty, 1986). The nursing profession was developed and flourished as a means of assisting the physicians in the terms of devising an effective and efficient way of treating the illness (Bakken, Cashen, Mendonca, O'Brien, & Zieniewicz, 2000). But, according to the literature of modern healthcare, most of the physical disea ses are just manifestation of psychological problems and diseases and therefore, it is highly recommended to cure both dimensions of the illnesses simultaneously (Weatherhead, 1951). Furthermore, the children are by-default positive thinkers but transform into a hopeless individual due to the environment and because of this reason, the hospitals are repeatedly suggested to create and foster

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Using your research skills, you are required to conduct some research Assignment

Using your research skills, you are required to conduct some research into the employment prospects for UK graduates - Assignment Example aper will also examine the performance of the UK graduates in the past three to five years then investigate the changes and the trends that have been developing in the years. Lastly, the paper will evaluate if the benefits of obtaining a degree exceed the costs. The roles of the graduates have been changing over the years especially with the changing nature of the labour market. As seen in the research conducted by Purcell & Elias (2004), graduates in the UK today do a wide range of jobs as opposed to graduates in the past. This fact results from the changes that have been brought about by restructuring of the economy, changes in technology and the increase in the demand for skilled persons to fit in the labour industry (Purcell & Elias, 2004). The supply of labour in the UK is, therefore, changing, and the graduates have no option but to offer services that are required in the labour industry. The employment performance of the UK graduates as Purcell & Elias (2004) indicate is exemplary as the graduates have been said to work in jobs that were related to their long term careers. Since most jobs in the UK require a degree, the respondents in the research of Purcell & Elias (2004) indicated that they were satisfied with their career development. In terms of remuneration, the UK graduates have indicated a considerably good pay since employers have been indicated to pay higher premiums to degree holders as opposed to other employees. With the public sector employing a higher number of graduates than the private sector, the UK graduates are happy with their performance since their skills are required in their present employments; thus, most feel that they are well utilised (Purcell & Elias, 2004). Simply put, the UK graduates may be indicated to be satisfied with their present jobs and also reported higher levels of satisfaction in the manner in which their career was developing. Through an assessment of the graduates’ work, it is easy to assess the worth of the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Correction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Correction - Essay Example oad majority of civil rights granted by the Bill of Rights and other fundamental determinants of United States law must be upheld in both the case of the general population and prisoners. One of the first and most important of these rights is with relation to the eighth amendment. In short, the eighth amendment prohibits the United States government from posting excessive bail or utilizing â€Å"cruel or unusual punishment† as a means of punishing/rehabilitating a particular criminal offense. This is perhaps the most important right and privilege of all as it was further defined by the Supreme Court in 1848 to preclude any form of inhumane treatment; of two and inclusive of those inhumane treatments that might not be capital in nature. This understanding has been upheld by subsequent courts such as the supreme court of Massachusetts which found that the state had violated the Eighth Amendment by keeping prisoners in an antiquated prison infested with rodents and insects (Owers, 2010). Although not specified within the Bill of Rights or elsewhere throughout the law, it is generally understood and upheld by the Supreme Court, and other courts for that matter, that prisoners should have the reasonable expectation of being free from abuse and/or exploitation; referenced in a 1996 Supreme Court case in which sexually abused female inmates were allowed a monetary payout as a result of a systemic program of abuse in one Missouri prison

Monday, July 22, 2019

Capitalismâ€a Propaganda Story Essay Example for Free

Capitalism—a Propaganda Story Essay Michael Moore is the Leni Riefenstahl of our time. Or, perhaps he would be better characterized as a Bizzaro World Leni Riefenstahl, because while she propped up with propaganda the political powers of her time, Moore uses the same techniques to bring down the powers of our time, be it GM (Roger and Me), the gun lobby (Bowling for Columbine), the government (Fahrenheit 911), the health care industry (Sicko), or free enterprise (Capitalism: A Love Story). In this latest installment in his continuing series of what’s wrong with America, Michael Moore takes aim at his biggest target to date, and the result is a disaster. The documentary is not nearly as funny as his previous films, the music selections seem contrived and flat, and the edits and transitions are clumsy, wooden, and not nearly as effective as what we’ve come to expect from the premiere documentarian (Ken Burns notwithstanding) of our time. And, most importantly, the film’s central thesis is so bad that it’s not even wrong. First, let me confess that even though I have disagreed with most of Michael Moore’s politics and economics throughout his career, I have thoroughly enjoyed his films as skilled and effective works of art and propaganda, never failing to laugh — or be emotionally distraught — at all the places audiences are cued to do so. My willing suspension of disbelief that enables me to take so much pleasure from works of fiction, does not always serve me well when pulled into the narrative arc of a documentary. Thus it is that with his past films I have exited the theater infuriated at the same things Moore is †¦ until I rolled up my sleeves and did some fact checking of my own, at which point Moore’s theses unravel (with the possible exception of Bowling for Columbine, his finest work in my opinion). But with Capitalism: A Love Story, Moore’s propagandistic props are so transparent and contrived that I never was able to suspend disbelief. What was especially infuriating about Capitalism: A Love Story was the treatment of the people at the bottom end of the economic spectrum. The film is anchored on two eviction stories contrived to pull at the heart strings. One family filmed the eviction process themselves and sent the footage to Moore in hopes he’d use it (many are called, few are chosen), and the other was filmed by Moore’s crew. The message of both is delivered with a sledge hammer: Greedy Evil Soul-Sucking Bankers (think Lionel Barrymore’s villainous Mr. Potter in It’s a Wonderful Life) are tossing out onto the streets of America poor innocent families who are victims of circumstances not of their making. Why? First, because this is what Greedy Evil Soul-Sucking Bankers do for fun on weekends. Two, because the economic crisis caused solely by said bankers has made it impossible for families to make the payments on those subprime loans they were tricked into taking by those same bankers, who themselves were suckered into a Ponzi-like scheme cooked up by Alan Greenspan and his Wall Street/Federal Reserve buddies to take back the homes fully owned by (first) the elderly and (then) the poor. In the fine print that the bankers carefully slipped past the elderly and the poor for these second mortgages and subprime loans, the contracts said that the rates on variable rate loans could go up, and that the house was collateral for the loan such that if the loan payments are not made the home is subject to foreclosure and repossession by the bank (which is what the bankers are hoping happens). In Michael Moore’s worldview, a goodly portion of the American people are ignorant, uneducated, clueless pinheads too stupid to realize the fundamental principle of a loan: you have to have collateral to secure the loan! No collateral, no loan. You say to the banker â€Å"I would like to take out a loan.† The banker says to you â€Å"what do you have for collateral?† What happened in the housing boom was that bankers relaxed their standards for what they would require for collateral (and income, assets, etc.) because (1) the government told them to do so and promised to cover their losses if it didn’t work out, and (2) they wanted to make more money; and borrowers wanted in on the cash cow that everyone was milking, from individual house flippers looking for a quick buck, to ordinary families wanting extra cash for remodeling, tuition, or whatever, to mortgage giants wanting corporate expansion. And all were driven by the same motive: greed! Yes, greed. Those evicted families knew perfectly well what they were doing when they freely chose to climb onto the housing bubble and take it for a ride. I have a much higher view of the American public than does Michael Moore. I don’t think the American people are so stupid or uneducated that they didn’t know what they were doing. This wasn’t rocket science. It was even on television, the ne plus ultra of pop culture! I well remember watching A E’s television series Flip This House, and reading all those magazine articles and get-rich-quick books on how to make a fortune in the real estate market, and thinking â€Å"wow, everyone’s getting rich except me; how can I get in on the action?† What I felt is, I’m sure, what lots of people felt. I looked into securing a second mortgage on my home in order to build a second home on an undeveloped portion of my hillside property, and then selling it to turn a tidy profit. Everyone was doing it. What could go wrong? Well, for starters I thought, what if it takes longer to build the home than I projected? We all know how slow construction projects can be. Could I make the payments on the second mortgage for an additional six months to a year? And what if I couldn’t sell that second home? Could I make the payments on the new loan indefinitely? What if my income decreased instead of increased, like it was at the time (and, subsequently, did †¦ dramatically!). And what would happen if I couldn’t make the payments? The answer was obvious, and it wasn’t in the fine print: I could lose my primary home. Forget that! Making a profit on a second home would be nice, but losing my first home would hurt well more than twice as much as making a profit on the second home would feel good. That’s a basic principle of risk aversion: losses hurt twice as much as gains feel good. Now, I’m not really a risk-averse guy (I gave up a secure career as a college professor for an insecure career as a writer and publisher), but even I could see the inherent risks involved when the home you live in could be taken away. My hillside remains sagebrush and wild grass. What about the people on the other end of the economic spectrum — the bankers and Wall Street moguls? Why aren’t they being evicted. Now, given that I’m a libertarian, you might expect me to come to the defense of Corporate America. Not so. Here I am in complete agreement with Michael Moore that, as I’ve been saying since the day it was first pronounced, â€Å"too big to fail† is the great myth of our time. None of these giant corporations — GM, AIG, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, et al. — should have been bailed out. In fact, they should have been allowed to fail, their stocks go into the toilet, their employees tossed out on to the gilded streets of lower Manhattan, and their CEOs dispersed to work as greeting clerks at Walmart. They gambled and lost on all those securities, bundled securities, derivatives, credit default swaps, and other â€Å"financial tools† that I’ll bet not one in a hundred Wall Street experts actually understands. If you really believe in free enterprise, you must accept the freedom to lose everything on such gambles. These CEOs and their corporate lackeys are nothing more than welfare queens who adhere to the motto â€Å"in profits we’re capitalists, in losses we’re socialists.† Sorry guys, you can’t have it both ways without corrupting your morals, which you have, along with the politicians you’ve bribed, cajoled and otherwise coerced to your bidding. The solution? I have some suggestions of my own, but Michael Moore’s solution is beyond bizarre: replace capitalism with democracy. Uh? Replace an economic system with a political system? Even the à ¼ber liberal Bill Maher was baffled by that one when he hosted Moore on his HBO show. How does a democracy produce automobiles and computers and search engines? It doesn’t. It can’t. Capitalism: A Love Story, ends with a remarkable film clip that Moore discovered of President Franklin Roosevelt reading from his never proposed second Bill of Rights (he died shortly after and the document died with him). Included in the list are: The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation; The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation; The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living; The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad; The right of every family to a decent home; The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health; The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment; The right to a good education. That’s nice. To this list I would add a computer in every home with wireless Internet access. I’m sure we could all think of many more things â€Å"under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all — regardless of station, race, or creed,† in Roosevelt’s words. But there is one question left unstated: Who is going to pay for it? If there is no capitalism, from where will the wealth be generated to pay for all these wonderful things? How much does a â€Å"decent† home costs these days, anyway? Do you see the inherent contradiction? Of course you do. So does Michael Moore, who elsewhere in the film longs for the good old days when the â€Å"rich† were taxed 90% of their earnings. So did Willie Sutton, who answered a similar question after being nabbed by the FBI during the Great Depression and asked by a reporter why he robs banks: â€Å"Because that’s where the money is.†

Stereotypes and Prejudice Essay Example for Free

Stereotypes and Prejudice Essay The authors examine overt and subtle forms of stereotyping and prejudice. Two theories that explain overt prejudice are reviewed: realistic conflict theory and social identity theory. Although overt prejudice seems to have declined, subtle stereotyping is still pervasive. The authors review one theory, aversive racism theory, that explains this phenomenon. They also discuss two perspectives, attributional ambiguity and stereotype threat, which provide accounts of the impact of subtle racism. Both overt and subtle prejudice present challenges for the classroom. The authors describe one intervention called the jigsaw classroom that encourages work toward common goals and helps reduce the expression and impact of overt discrimination. A second intervention program, wise schooling, is presented, which aims to reduce the impact of subtle stereotypes by reducing stereotype threat. Why do prejudice and discrimination exist? Has overt racism been replaced by more subtle forms of prejudice? How does stereotyping affect its targets? In this article we describe two theories, realistic conflict theory and social identity theory, which provide an answer to the first question. We address the second question by noting that although overt discrimination has decreased, subtle forms of prejudice are still quite common and we describe one theory, aversive racism, that provides a compelling account of this change in the expression of prejudice. Finally, we answer the third question by describing two phenomena, attributional ambiguity and stereotype threat, that result from the pervasive nature of subtle stereotyping. This article is a selective overview of what social psychology has to say about these crucial issues. In addition, we review two effective intervention programs that offer promise in ameliorating the effects of stereotyping and prejudice in the classroom. In its earliest conceptions, prejudice was treated as a manifestation of pathology (Ashmore Del B oca,1981 ). For example, the frustration-aggression hypothesis (Dollard, Doob, Miller, Mowrer, Sears, 1939, pp. 27-54) considered prejudice to be a result of scapegoating, and authoritarian personality theory (Brown, 1965, pp. 477-546) posited that a severe childhood upbringing could result in a rigid, authoritarian adult who is prejudiced against anyone who is different from the self. But more contemporary accounts of stereotyping and prejudice have emphasized that prejudice may be a more common and normal result of group interaction. In developing realistic group conflict theory Sherif and Sherif ( 1969, pp. 222-266) dismiss the notion that prejudice is pathological and suggest instead that it may frequently arise out of ordinary conflicts of interest between groups. In their studies of a boys’ summer camp, they discovered that ordinary group competition for valued resources led to highly negative and stereotypical views of opposing groups and their individual members. Perhaps the more interesting aspect of these studies, however, was the manner in which conflict and hostility were ameliorated. The Sherifs found that mere contact among opposing groups only intensified the hostility (cf. Stephan, 1987). Events that required cooperative action, however, did function to reduce intergroup conflict. After several such events, all involving superordinate goals (i.e., goals shared by members of all groups), cross-group friendships began to develop and intergroup hostility began to diminish. Working cooperatively toward shared goals transformed the skills of individual group members into valued resources. So, although conflicts of interest resulted in prejudice and intense disliking between groups, action toward superordinate goals helped foster positive opinions and mutual liking. According to another influential line of work, social identity theory (Brewer, 1979; Tajfel Turner, 1986), we categorize people into social groups and locate ourselves within a category. We then evaluate the value or worth of our social identities primarily by comparing our group with other groups. The basic premise of social identity theory is that we are motivated to maintain a positively valued social identity and we may do so by creating or taking advantage of favorable comparisons with other groups. The need to maintain a positive distinction between our own group and others can lead to behavior and attitudes that are biased in favor of our own group and against other groups. According to this perspective, prejudice, intergroup conflict, and stereotyping may arise simply from the struggle to attain or maintain a positive social identity (e.g., Crocker, Thompson, McGraw, Ingerman, 1987). DOES RACISM STILL EXIST? Many historical perspectives on stereotyping, including realistic group conflict theory and social identity theory, attempt to explain the prevalence of overt prejudice and discrimination. However, this kind of directly expressed racism, particularly prejudice directed toward African Americans, is becoming less common. For example, a variety of surveys that directly measure negative178 stereotypes about African Americans, attitudes toward school and residential integration, and general beliefs concerning equal opportunity all indicate that there has been a dramatic shift toward more egalitarian and less racist views over the last 50 years (see Dovidio Gaertner, 1991, for a review). Dovidio and Gaertner (1991) note, however, that across the variety of samples, there are still indications of overt racism in fully 20% of Whites. But what about the 80% who consistently report more positive attitudes toward African Americans? Despite the evidence that a majority of Whites now feel generally more supportive and accepting of African Americans, there is also considerable evidence that these positive feelings may be held with some ambivalence and may mask a more subtle form of racism. For example, survey research reported in Dovidio and Gaertner ( 1991 ) indicates that although Whites seem to endorse the general idea of egalitarianism, they are opposed to specific ways in which it might be implemented, including giving preference to qualified African American job applicants and government intervention to ensure school integration. Although Whites have positive attitudes toward the abstract ideas, they also remain less than enthusiastic about personally having African American neighbors and about interracial marriage. In addition to the survey research mentioned above, laboratory research also provides a great deal of compelling evidence demonstrating the subtle but continuing influence stereotypes have on information processing (Hamilton Sherman, 1994). Stereotypes make cognitive processing about our complex social worlds easier and more efficient. However, the negative consequences of this increased efficiency are reflected in the numerous studies indicating that stereotypes can significantly bias our judgments about other people (e.g., Rosenthal Jacobson, 1968; Sagar Schofield, 1980). For example, Rosenthal and Jacobson’s (1968) work on teacher expectancies suggests that a priori expectations about a student’s academic ability can easily lead a teacher to treat the student differentially and in accord with those expectancies (perhaps causing the student to conform to the expectancies, regardless of his or her natural ability).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Marketing strategy of vegetable distribution system

Marketing strategy of vegetable distribution system This research paper examines the overall marketing strategy of a consumer product of vegetable distribution system. More specifically, this study addresses the marketing strategy of Colombo district. This paper will deeply analyze the effectiveness of the vegetable distribution system and customer satisfaction on that and also the success and failure of the system. The research will carry out by way of self completed questionnaire to identify the households attitudes on vegetable distribution system and awareness on that. Other than households responses, an interview will carry out data will analyzed by giving high concentration to the prevailing practical situations and thereby the conclusions will carry on. In the current modern world marketing touches all of us every day of our lives. This marketing system facilitates the traditional exchange systems and also provide us high standard of living consists of many large and small companies, where all looking for success. Therefore to emphasize the significance of marketing in this present era is important. The specific research study is also based on the marketing aspect, which is analyzing the vegetable distribution system in a specific area. This paper especially analyzes the current distribution system in Colombo district using the relevant theory and current news. Also I am interested in evaluating customer satisfaction on that system. Through this study I can find the cost effectiveness in this study and also I can find out the success or failure on the distribution system. So that it will help to find the solution for the problem it means we can find the reason for the failure so it will help to find the solution for the failure and we can recommend the best strategy. 1.2 Background of the Study 1.2.1 Vegetable Distribution System in Sri Lanka The conservative Vegetable Distribution system in Sri Lanka is having High public sector involvement, Markets were stagnate and less dynamic, Low or no processing (no value addition), High price instability Long supply chains with little integration, High wastage, Low accountability in the system, Large number of supply chain partners, operating independently, High market uncertainties at both producer consumer ends. The Emergence of a new demand and responsive supply Chain increases the competition the reason for the Changes Includes Rapidly growing urban population, rising income levels, changing socio-cultural environment, Changing taste and preferences, Explosive growth in information/communication capacity, High level of coordination/ integration of stakeholders and business orientation in the marketing system. 1.2.2 Vegetable Distribution System in Colombo For Vegetables to reach the Colombo consumer it must pass through many hands and often through a number of channels. Several participants are involved in a variety of marketing, negotiation and organizational systems. Each of these participants has their own need for infrastructure, services and legislative and regulatory support. The Main Components of vegetable Distribution Systems in Colombo district is vegetable comes into cities utilizing a variety of transport modes such as head loads, hand and animal drawn carts, small vehicles, large trucks, trains, and river and seagoing vessels. All these modes need to be accommodated in terms of facilities and access. Then vegetable is usually distributed to one or a number of wholesale markets. Other thing is from the wholesale markets the vegetable is distributed to a variety of retail outlets such as retail food markets, local food shops, and modern supermarkets. It can be seen in the Following diagram. Farmer Transporting Agent Commission agent at the Colombo wholesale Retailer Wholesaler Consumer (Fig 1.1) 1.3 Objectives of the Study Objectives of this Investigation are, To evaluate the performance effectiveness of the Retail Shop (in terms of customer satisfaction, Reasonable Price, Freshness and Quality product availability, Located in convenience Place, method of collecting information and transferring) To discover the cost effectiveness in Distributing Vegetables. To identify the reasons for success and failure of performance of Distribution system. Identifying (Marketing Strategies) Solutions for the problems identified during the investigation. 1.4 Research Question My research question is the Empirical Study on Vegetable Distribution System in around Colombo Metropolitan Area. I select this topic because Im very much interested in marketing area. This study will give the knowledge of the current vegetable distribution system in Colombo and how effective this system for the consumer. In Sri Lanka vegetable is a main food used in the day to day life. It has the high demand comparing to the other product. So it is important to know the system of vegetable distribution. Sri Lanka is a developing country many people are not affordable to buy high price products but it is not the issue in Sri Lanka but also most of the country. People are looking for high quality product with lower price. Effective distribution system can provide the people high quality product with low price. Distribution system means how the product make available for the people. It is very much important to know about the marketing channel because various channels used to distribu te the product to the consumer. Vegetable are transformed from the farmer to wholesaler and wholesaler to retailer and retailer to consumer. It is important for the marketing channel how ability to deliver the vegetables quickly to the consumer with the lower cost. The city of Colombo in Sri Lanka does not have dedicated wholesale markets for products with the existing three markets for grains, fruits and vegetables and fish conducting both wholesale and retail trading. Although originally recognized as wholesale markets the incorporation of retail actions due to inadequate planning of retail markets has meant that the markets are now highly congested and the whole area around and inside the markets is severely affected by traffic congestion during the morning hours. Buyers frequently spend over two hours in the market to purchase. Maintenance of greatly used facilities is difficult and the inadequate drainage has resulted in flooding and damage to road surfaces. Sri Lanka has an international trade deficit in vegetables, mainly because of high imports of onion and chilies from India. The country could save much foreign exchange by encouraging domestic production of vegetables. For this, however, a systematic effort would be required to identif y the vegetables most suited for production in Sri Lanka, and to identify barriers limiting their cultivation. More transport facilities will be needed for bringing production to wholesale areas and then to retail markets. This movement will result an increasing traffic congestion and pollution. Higher transportation costs, a main component of food prices, will contribute to increasing food prices for the metropolitan poor. I am interested to identify how effective the distribution system for vegetable in Colombo area currently. How they are satisfying the customer in that particular area. I need to identify the customer perception on the available distribution system. Whether, customer satisfied through this system. If the particular distribution system satisfies the customer or if it is very efficient and effective I can find the reason how it is effective and the strategy of the system. If not we need discover the reason for the failure of the distribution system on that particular area. My hypothesis for the research is: Ho: Vegetable Distribution System in Colombo is Effective. H1: Vegetable Distribution System in Colombo is Not Effective. CHAPTER 2: LITTERATURE REVIEW It is highly important that the theoretical aspects on which the study is based are clearly understood. It is especially emphasis on basics of marketing, distribution system etc. which are significant for this study. 2.1 Marketing According to American Marketing Association (2007) Marketing is an organizational function and a set of process for creating, communicating and delivering value to customer and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. 2.1.1 Activities Included in Marketing Marketing activities are various and it also varied because they fundamentally include everything need to deliver the product into the customers hands. The marketing activities are Designing the product to design a product we need to do a market research. Through that we can identify the customer needs and wants according to the customer desires we can design the product. Promoting the product how we are going to introduce the product to the market. It includes advertising, marketing communications etc. Setting a price it is important to capture the market producing in low cost will give high profit. People expect high quality product with lower price if we satisfy them only we can survive in the market. (Mary, [no date]). 2.1.2 Marketing Strategy A marketing strategy identifies customer groups which a business can serve well than its target competitors. Providing tailors product offerings, prices, distribution, promotional efforts, and services toward those market segments to capture the market. Preferably, the strategy should address customer needs that offer adequate potential profitability. A good strategy helps a business to focus on the target markets it can serve best. By analyzing the product portfolio and customer segment, assess distribution channel we can generate our own customer strategy (Angele, 2000). 2.1.3 Marketing Plan When we developed a marketing strategy, it is written down as a marketing plan. The plan frequently go further than the strategy, it includes detail such as budgets. We need to develop a marketing strategy before write a marketing plan. The marketing strategy is to understand and match the capabilities of business opportunities available in the market. So we need to collect more information regarding that such as: data about the market ( size, growth, Potential customer), Competitive data ( Direct competitors, product and price of competitive product) (Matt, 2010). 2.1.4 Target Market Owners of small businesses usually have limited resources to spend on marketing. Concentrating their efforts on one or a few key market segments gives the most return from small investments. We should select to whom we are going to market. Target marketing method is help to reach the customer efficiently. (Chelle, 1994). It is also no agreed that health of the company is largely depends on Customer behavior and attitude needs. (Margret, 1985). 2.1.5 The Marketing Mix Marketing mix is a choice of the organizations to bring a product or service to market. In order to achieve marketing goals we need to have a strategy. The marketing mix elements help to determine the strategy (Gummesson, 2002). The marketing mix elements are: Place Product Price Process Promotion Marketing Mix People Physical evidence (Fig 2.1) Price In marketing selecting the price is one of the strategies. We need to identify the cost of production and other cost to determine the price. Right price will maximize the profit. Promotion It is the way to introduce the product to the market. It includes advertisement. Product Product strategy may include developing a highly specialized product and high quality product to the customer in a attractive way. Like special packing etc. Place It is the way of distributing the product to the customer. People People in the market cannot be underestimated. People have the direct impact on the product perceived. People are the important element in the marketing because products are for the people. (Mind Tools 1994). Process It is the manner of handling sales process and after-sale service it help to achieve marketing strategy. Physical Evidence Showing the tangible product to the customer is giving the chance to the customer to make a decision. Customers like to know about the product through the smell and touching. Offering free trial or advertisements are physical evidence. The marketing mix model helps to decide how to take a new offer to the market. Through that we can evaluate the current marketing strategy (Clarity Marketing, 2005). 2.2 Distribution System Initially it is necessary to consider about what is Distribution system. Frequently there may be a chain of intermediaries; each passing the product down the chain to the next level, before it finally reaches the consumer. This process is known as the distribution chain or the channel. Each of the elements in these chains will have their own specific needs. The Distribution system is also clear-cut as a set of interdependent organizations involved in making a product or service available to consumers or industrial users. Usually a number of different institutions are involved in a distribution Channel because such specialization increases the efficiency by marketing activities are performed. The Main thing is to select the distribution aspect is that marketing of a product highly depend on its distribution efficiency, even the best Quality, Brand, Price, Promotion will not be successful if the product wouldnt reach the consumer hands by utilizing a good distribution system. Therefore the distribution systems are very important where the channel management leads to attain the product availability, cost effectiveness, Promotional activity, Channel members satisfaction etc. The cost of selling and distributing is becoming high due to high transport charges wages and commissions etc. But the benefits are not sure that it is achievable, so it is important to achieve the maximized benefit and minimized cost through good distribution systems. Companies can design their distribution channels to make products and services available to customers in different ways. The figure below shows some examples of channel levels for consumer marketing channels: Consumer Manufacturer1 Retailer Consumer Manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer Consumer Manufacturer Wholesaler Jobber Retailer Consumer Manufacturer (Fig 3.1) In the figure first one is called a direct-marketing channel, since it has no intermediary levels. In this case the manufacturer sells directly to customers. An example of a direct marketing channel would be a factory outlet store. Many holiday companies also market direct to consumers. The remaining channels are indirect-marketing channels. Second one is contains one intermediary. In consumer markets, this is usually a retailer. The consumer electrical goods market in the UK is typical of this arrangement whereby producers such as Sony, Panasonic, Canon etc. They sell their goods directly to large retailers such as Comet, Dixons and Currys which then sell the goods to the final consumers. Third one is contains two intermediary levels a wholesaler and a retailer. A wholesaler typically buys and stores large quantities of several producers goods and then breaks into the bulk deliveries to supply retailers with smaller quantities. For small retailers with limited order quantities, the use of wholesalers makes economic sense. This arrangement tends to work best where the retail channel is fragmented i.e. not dominated by a small number of large, powerful retailers who have an incentive to cut out the wholesaler. A good example of this channel arrangement in the UK is the distribution of drugs. Distribution is important because it affects the sale of the product. It also affects the competitiveness as well as profit because the margin is squeezed by distribution cost. Delivery is the part of activity that influencing the customer satisfaction (MMC learning [no date]). 2.2.1 Functions of a Distribution Channel The main function of a distribution channel is to provide a link between production and consumption. Organizations form any particular distribution channel. So that they can overcomes the major problems. Members of the Marketing channel perform many key functions: Information Gathering and distributing marketing research and intelligence information about actors and forces in the marketing environment needed for planning and aiding exchange. Promotion Developing and spreading persuasive communications about an offer. Contact Finding and communicating with prospective buyers. Matching Shaping and fitting the offer to the buyers needs, including such activities as manufacturing, grading, assembling and packaging. Negotiation Reaching an agreement on price and other terms of the offer so that ownership or possession can be transferred. Physical Distribution Transporting and storing Goods Financing Acquiring and using funds to cover the costs of the channel work. Risk Taking Assuming the risks of carrying out the channel work The first five functions help to complete transactions; the last three help fulfill the completed transactions. 2.2.2 Importance of Channel Members Many producers lack of financial services to carry out direct marketing; these direct marketing would require many producers to become middlemen for the in order to achieve mass-distribution economies. The use of retailer or middlemen largely boils down to their greater efficiency in making goods available to target markets. Through their contacts, experience, specialization and scale of operation, middlemen usually offer the firm more than it can achieve on its own. From the economic systems point of view the role of middlemen or a retailer is to transform the assortment of products made by producers into the assortments wanted by consumers, Producers make narrow assortment of products in large quantities, but consumer want broad assortments of products in small quantities. In the distribution channels, middlemen but the large quantities of many producers and break them down into the smaller quantities and broader assortments wanted by consumers. Thus middlemen play an important role in matching supply and demand. 2.2.3 Goals of Logistics System Some companies state their logistics objective as providing maximum customer service at the least cost. Unfortunately, no logistics system can both maximize customer service and minimize distribution costs. Maximum customer service state that fast delivery, large inventories, flexible assortments, liberal returns policies, and other services. All those activities are raising distribution cost. In contrast, minimum distribution costs imply slower delivery, smaller inventories, and larger shipping lots which represent a lower level of overall customer service. The goal of marketing logistics should be to provide a service to targeted level of customer at the lower cost. A company must first research the importance of various distribution services to customers and then set desired service levels for each segment. The objective is to maximize profits. Therefore, the company must consider the benefits of providing high quality of product and services against the costs. (Kotler and Amstrong 1992) . 2.3 Related Research Findings It has found that as in many European countries, the food retailing industry in France is dominating powerful companies. The research aimed at examining the idea that small producers are limited or even totally lacking in the supplier portfolios of bunch merchandisers in France. The common principles used by the retailers to select manufacturers are summarized. It has discussed using evidence from ten companies. Choosing a supplier is a critical step in a distribution firms buying process. It is a influential factor not only in the firms competitiveness but also in its corporate image. In the French food distribution channel, manufacturers products advertise directly to customers but sells to retailers. Retailers prefer to purchase from the suppliers who capable of launching large advertising. These are seem to be the required conditions for the retailer to sell large quantities of products to consumer. As a result the supplier incurs extra cos. Since the ability to assurance stock y ield depends on marketing resources and skills, French mass merchandisers concentrate mainly on assessing the potential marketable performance of the various manufacturers. In conclude that because they do not spend much on sales promotion programs small producers find difficulties in competing with larger producers in making sales in the distribution channel (Gilles, 1996). Natilia (2010) states that how the food supply and distribution systems took place in Accra, Ghana compare to Colombia. His study also made some recommendation to the policymaker to improve the efficiency of market distribution system. He analyzed the success, failure and challenges of urban food market in Accra. He also emphasis the market reform strategies on his research. Ross (1995) states that according to his research on marketing strategy he found the dynamic of appliance retail business also he estimated major customer decision making criteria. CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY 3.1 Research Design The most suitable research method is determined by the research problem and the objectives of the research problem. According to that the Descriptive research method will be used to perform the research study, since the research problem is based on evaluating the performance of a Retailer in distributing Vegetables around Colombo Metropolitan. And also it is a kind of a basic research because it is being conducted primarily to improve the understanding of general issues in distributing vegetables. And also secondary data such as journal articles will be used. The Reason for selecting Descriptive Research method is because it describes the phenomenon as they exist and also used to identify certain information on the Characteristic of a particular Situation or problem.The study will be conducted as a qualitative study by using primary and secondary data. 3.2 Data Collection Techniques. (Methods Tools) The type of data will be used for this specific study is mainly primary data. The Study is based on the Colombo Metropolitan. Therefore the primary data for the research will be collect within the Colombo Metropolitan region. Secondary data will used to analyze the relationship between the customer satisfaction and the sales volume of the vegetable. It is a qualitative research The Data will be collect from consumers. Data will be collected by Personal Interviews with the retailer and Questionnaires are distributed to consumers of that specific area. A questionnaire will be developed with questions based on the customers perception on Vegetables. Under interviewing people both the open ended question and closed ended question will include. The whole Colombo Metropolitan area is defined as the universe for this study, and the sampling unit is basically the vegetable consumers of that area. The Sampling Frame that is the source list from which the sample may be drawn is set with in the Colombo metropolitan. The size of the sample is 100 vegetable consumers. The non Probability technique will be applied in order to obtain a representative sample from the sampling frame the sampling unit which is vegetable consuming individuals especially the home makers. The consumers above age of 25 are included in the sample, because according to the research topic these consumers will be the best sample to achieve the efficiency and reliability. The sample does not afford any basis for estimating the probability that each item in the population has of being included in the sample. 3.3 Analysis of the Empirical Data The Data will be code and analyzed by using statistical software program, and also the data will be analyzed using analytical techniques such as mean, mode and averages. Appropriate graphs and charts will be use to interpret and present data in this study. Since the ordinal Measurement will indicate the relative position of two or more objects it will be used in this investigation to rank the Customer satisfaction factors and other factors. Using the information from the questionnaire can conclude the results of this research. This research methodology follows the research onion. F:Powerpointpe_ukPE083-SaundersFinal_FilesGifch04C04NF001.gif (Sources: Mark, 2006) (Fig 4.1) 3.4 Significance of the Study Competition between retailers has increased due to new super markets operation in the surrounding area and also due to Economical Condition of the country including Cost of living, inflation, Transport cost etc. Factors which is affect the firms profitability and to meet the customers expectation and satisfaction. Therefore it is important to analyze the problems faced by the retailer in distributing vegetables and give him a solution for the problems. The significance of this research is to identify whether the retailer can meet the customer expectation and satisfy them continuously and also to identify the exact problems prevailing during the research period how the distribution system effecting and then providing solutions, analyzing the cost benefits or cost effectiveness for the consumer. 3.5 Limitation of the Study Being an individual assignment, the effort exerted in to this study will be limited. Specially in selecting of the sample it is very difficult to take a complete representative sample as the population is high. The significant lack of secondary data specially in competitors data will be a major limitation to analyze data Because of the qualitative research it will very much time consuming. Financial limitation also there. Conclusion I can conclude that by conducting this research I can improve my knowledge in the distribution system on Colombo area. It will help me to apply these findings in other area too. I can identify the distribution system in a particular area and how effective that system also how that distribution system provide the customer satisfaction. Through this study I also can identify the success and failure of the distribution in a particular area and I can find the reason for that. It will help me to identify and recommend the solution for the existing problems. CURRICULAM -VITAE OF L.J.Shakthivel 12, Longford Gardens Hayes. UB4 OJW E-mail: [emailprotected] Contact No.07574957290 CAREER OBJECTIVE To become an individual who possess a wider knowledge and ability on things what she does and uses it for the enhancement of the work place and the society. PERSONAL PROFILE 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Name in Full  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   :  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lenita Jency Shakthivel 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Gender   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      :  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Female 3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Date of Birth  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   :  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3rd June 1983 4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nationality  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   :  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sri Lankan 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Married / Single  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   :  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Single 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   School Attended  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   :   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   St.Annes Girls Maha Vidyalaya Colombo -13. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS  Ã‚  Ã‚   Doing Post Graduate Diploma in Management Studies at Icon College, London.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     B.Com (Special) Degree University of Sri Jayewardenepura Gangodawila, Nugegoda. General Pass   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   G.C.E A/L  Ã‚   Examination (2002)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Accounting A, Economics A, Business Studies A. G.C.E O/L  Ã‚   Examination (1999) 5 Distinctions include Mathematics (111), Religion, Tamil and Science (1). 5 Credits including Science (11), Commerce, Social, Arts and English PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION Æ’ËÅ"  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Computer Literacy  Completed MS Office Æ’ËÅ"  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Completed DIPLOMA IN ENGLISH at Nalravi English Language Centre. Studied SAGE Accounting Package Following Post graduate Diploma in Management Studies in London.   EXTRA AND CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Secured Places in athletic meets  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Secured Place in Essay Competition  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Served as a Games Captain.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Participated in English Speech. EXPERIENCE I have worked at Belcon agency Ltd (Shipping Company) as an accounts trainee for 1 year. (Book Keeping) I have worked at Peoples Bank Dam Street for 1 year under the internship program. (Customer Serve and Cheque Clearings) I have worked as an Assistant Accountant at SPS Enterprises for 1 year (Book Keeping and Customer serve) I hereby affirm that the above particulars furnished by me are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Yours faithfully L.J. Shakthivel

Saturday, July 20, 2019

AOL and the Family :: Web Internet Computers Essays

AOL and the Family The first things that usually come to mind when the American Online symbol is seen is the company’s slow connection, the tied up phone lines, instant messaging, and its monthly fees. Despite the many faults associated with the symbol, this, however, does not stop many from turning to the company’s services when a fast, protected, and reliable web surfing experience is required; And its mainly due to AOL’s commitment to providing services that appeal very much to the family unit. Although â€Å"family† is not usually the first thing that comes to mind when the symbol appears, it is the family oriented services and resources that people expect when dealing with the company in one form or the other. In addition to the other associations with the AOL symbol, the idea of â€Å"family† is another meaning that is closely connected with the symbol because America Online’s family oriented services and resources make it the most widely u sed Internet Service Provider (ISP) out there on the market today. One of the key aspects of a family unit is safety, more specifically, protection. Similar to the world, the Internet is not a safe place. There are many things out on the Internet that parents do not want their children to be exposed to, nor do they want to be exposed to the garbage that is floating around on the Internet. America Online is an ISP company that is protecting families and ensuring that they are not exposing themselves to some of the questionable information out on the Internet today. With resources such as AOL Neighborhood Watch, and AOL Keyword, families are able to receive information about protecting their password, avoiding computer viruses, and spotting frauds and schemes (Gau). In addition, children’s online safety is a primary concern of American Online. An American Online feature that permits parents to select the appropriate levels of online participation for their children is the Parental Controls, and it is used by a majority of AOL p arents to monitor their child‘s daily access to the Internet (Gau). Access to such important tools and features enables members and non-members that try out the company’s services for the first time, to perceive the AOL Company as a â€Å"family† company when the symbol appears on billboards, in magazines or in television commercials.

Friday, July 19, 2019

How does Golding convey Jack’s regression to a more savage state? :: English Literature

How does Golding convey Jack’s regression to a more savage state? William Golding conveys Jack’s regression to a more savage state in many different ways. One of the ways in which he does this is by using the setting. The fact that wild plants and creepers are growing almost everywhere around Jack is a typical stereotype of primitive land. Jack did not seem to be trying to avoid them, which could suggest that he has already started getting used to them, as a savage or primitive being would be. Also, Jack had not planned the way that he was going to take when travelling through the forest; instead, he just followed faint trails and hoped they would lead him to what he wanted. By doing this, he was already thinking like a savage. Jack seemed to have a very close connection with the forest that he was hunting in. With only small signs, he was able to realise that the forest was inhabited as other creatures, creatures that he was trying to hunt. Also, Golding describes the forest like he describes Jack, for example when he says ‘the forest and he were very still’. This emphasises the close connection between the two. Another way in which the author conveys Jack’s regression to a more savage state is by making him seem more animal like. Savages are thought of more as animals than people, therefore the animal-like description is very effective to show Jack returning to his savage roots. When searching for prey, he was described as a dog in more than one way, ‘his nose was only a few inches from the humid earth’, just like a dog or wolf hunts, and ‘dog-like, he was uncomfortable on all fours’. There were also some more subtle ways in which he was indirectly compared to animals that were savage-like. He was becoming hairier than he was before, just like an ape. This suggests the reversal of evolution. Also, he was almost naked, apart from his knife belt. This much like a savage or animal, but the fact that he was not at all embarrassed by this was even more significant. In our modern day world, walking around naked would be thought of as a taboo and is even illegal in a lot of places, but in the time that savages were around, it was very common for them to walk around wearing close to nothing. This is exactly the state of mind that Jack wants to revert to in order to hunt like a savage. Jack was also starting to use his senses more effectively like animals. ‘His nostrils flared’.

Phillipines :: Filipinos and its religion and traditions

Philippines Filipinos Manila Religion holds a central place in the life of most Filipinos, including Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Protestants, and animists. It is central not as an abstract belief system, but rather as a host of experiences, rituals, ceremonies, and adjurations that provide continuity in life, cohesion in the community, and moral purpose for existence Women have always enjoyed greater equality in Philippine society than was common in other parts of Southeast Asia. Education and literacy levels in 1990 were higher for women than for men. The majority of the Philippines are bound together by common values and a common religion. Among these are strong religious faith, respect for authority, and high regard for amor proprio (self-esteem). Filipinos are sensitive to attacks on their own self-esteem and develop sensitivity to the self-esteem of others as well. Anything that might hurt another's self-esteem is to be avoided or else one risk terminating the relationship. Philippine own alliance systems are secured by kinship, beginning with the immediate family. A Filipino's loyalty goes first to the immediate family; identity is deeply embedded in the network of kinship. It is normative that one owes support, loyalty, and trust to one's close kin and, because kinship is structured bilaterally with affinal as well as consanguineal relatives, one's kin can include quite a large number of people. The geography and history of the Philippines have conspired to produce a multiplicity of languages, some 80 dialects in total. 1988 Philippine government figures, which count as literate everyone who has completed four years of elementary school, the overall literacy rate was 88 percent, up from 82.6 percent in 1970. Literacy rates were virtually the same for women and men. About 10% of Filipinos (the so-called cultural minority groups or tribal Filipinos) retain their traditional culture.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Newspaper Reviews

Complete three reviews of newspaper / magazine articles using the given template. A sample review has been attached for your reference. All articles should be on one of the topics below and topics should not repeat. Transport Equality Rich-poor Gap Science Technology Culture Natural Disaster Ageing Population Teenage Issues EducationYou may use print and non-print articles. Articles should be dated no earlier than October 2013. Your reviews should be typed out. Articles used must be included in your reviews. For print articles, include the original article in your reviews. For non-print articles, please print them out with your review. Please print out your reviews for submission.Deadline: 1st English lesson in Term 1 2014review template Name & index no.ClassTopic(s)Title of articleDate of articleSourceIssue(s) Summary of main concern(s) of the articlePoints of view Perspectives of the people concerned (give at least 2 perspectives)Consequences Possible negative & positive effects of the issue(s)Evidence / Data Statistics, examples, anecdotes, etc.Vocabulary Useful words & phrases related to the issuePersonal Opinion Your personal view on the issueSample Review Name & index no. Jean Grey (10) Class 3S4 Topic(s) Food & Health, Media Title of article 14 F&B firms pledge to curb ads aimed at kids Date of article October 30, 2012 Source The Straits TimesIssue(s)Summary of main concern(s) of the article Obesity is on the rise in Singapore and it is believed that advertising influences what children choose to eat. The Singapore government has introduced an initiative to stop advertising unhealthy foods to children from January 1 2013 in order to fight obesity.Points of viewPerspectives of the people concerned (give at least 2 perspectives) Health Promotion Board (HPB) chief executive: F&B companies’ pledge is â€Å"an important first step†, given that advertising has a significant impact on children’s food choices. McDonald’s spokesperson: The company has introduced more healthy food options. It will support the initiative to stop advertising in media channels where children make up more than 35 per cent of the audience. NTU Associate Professor: It is doubtful whether the changes will have a lasting impact on children’s eating habits as children are increasingly exposed to social media which is hard to regulate.ConsequencesPossible negative & positive effects of the issue(s) If the initiative is successful, it would curb obesity which would in turn lower the proportion of children at high risk of chronic ailments. If the initiative is unsuccessful, it would have no impact on obesity which is on the rise.Evidence / DataStatistics, examples, anecdotes, etc. Research has shown that advertising influences what children buy or choose to eat. About 9 per cent of children here are obese, putting them at a higher risk of chronic ailments like diabetes as they grow older. A British study found that children aged six to 13 were more likely to want to eat fatty and sugary foods after watching commercials for unhealthy food on TV.VocabularyUseful words & phrases related to the issue Food and beverage firms, initiative, curb advertising, chronic ailments, saturated fats, trans fats, nutritional criteria, dietary guidelines, regulations restricting food advertising, HPB’s healthier choice symbol, wholesome Personal OpinionYour personal view on the issue I think that the initiative is a good move by the government as it promotes greater social responsibility on the part of F&B firms. It also sends out a strong message to the public that obesity is a serious concern that demands our immediate attention and action.Template adapted from Paul’s Wheel of Reasoning

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Scenario of the Internal Community:

A leadership attach by both personal virtue and value-driven ken, it is needless to argue, belongs to one of the most total aspects of a truly rough-and-ready organization. And as the new principal of a K-6 principal(a) cultivate, whose composition consists in 450 students, 24 teachers, 15 office personnel and 1 custodian, I would do my best to build a legacy of strong leadership, reverie and integrity. To my view, the challenges which the take day currently faces all bump off inform from utile leadership, or its unfortunate want thereof.If I may correctly surmise, teachers resort hotel to power cliques only when circumstances get up room for it i. e. , when they feel that they empennage see up the power vacuum stemming from a systems the lack of able-bodied headship. Just the same, an educational institution begins to jump out from unfriendly atmosphere when a certain lack of checks and balances within the system is tolerated. shift is therefore a key bench mar k at the on sort out of my assumption of duties. barely before making any administrative decision, I shall first circumscribe the temperament and scope of the problems at hand, by nonrecreational close attention to the concerns of parents, teachers and other members of the community. buzz off dread 1, I shall waste no time in gathering as much pertinent information as possible to figure what is wrong. After short introducing myself to the teachers and community, I shall initiate a campus-wide keep abreast that would enable all stakeholders to vent their take on the current trail system.The results shall lead objects of inquiry during the brainstorming and deliberation of the schools manoeuvering vision an exercise which shall be participated in by the consummate schools rung, and shall be held a week before the school social class formally commences. During the meeting, I shall be employing a non-directive or democratic approach to the personal business of the delibe ration periods. I would empower my provide to brainstorm and deliberate among themselves under my counselling the practices that need serious alteration, if only we coffin nail work for the greater good of the seek school community.In this approach, I am borrowing the subject propounded by Jonathan Rix and Kathy Simmons effective learning institutions, they contend, needs to alter commonplace cultures so as to realign its vision towards maximal learning (2004, p. 67). By August 25, my mission is to communicate the new vision of the institution collectively discerned, as they were, by the entire school administration and staff to the parents and custodians concerned and, surely, to the students.On top of such vision, I would also propose the idea of frequent classroom visitations, as advantageously as thorough reviews of all surviving instructional objects and learning materials. And since I run a risk inclusivity and involvement as necessary factors for effective learn ing communities, I shall propose to set convenient but non-compromise-able dates for regular updating, participated in by administrators, parents, students, as well as by some representatives from community organizations.Furthermore, I shall communicate to them the telling importance of mid-year evaluations, by way of school surveys, so as to rectify the seeming lack of checks and balances which the school once suffered from. The rest of the year shall be dedicated to a relentless cause in bringing about cover fruition to the goals of the institution which has been set for the year. Goal-redefinition, if necessitated, merchantman be accommodated during the mid-year. Critical to this continuing hunting expedition is my goal to meet all teachers and staff individually during the year.Personally, I would like to work on concepts that find their concrete correlativity with reality. The effort is, obviously, onerous on my part. however I am a stiff believe that no great things can be achieved overnight. If I want my educational organization to succeed, I have to afford the painstaking process of brainstorming and implementing goals, as well as leveling clean reviews in respect its relative success, or lack of it. Running a school entails the continued appreciation of the systems that work, a fortitude to change what does not work, and the wisdom to hold up the difference between them.